Over the years I have come to realize that I am better at writing my feelings and thoughts, than I am speaking them. And since I sometimes feel like a burden trying to talk to my family or friends, this may be the next best thing for me. I hope by reading this, you will share my joys, triumphs, failures and sorrows. Really get to know Jilly....

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Have you ever known what it was like to be a dissappointment?  read that again...to be not to have....its not pretty....doesnt feel good and in no way would i ever want to experience it again.  ever had your WHOLE entire family NOT talk to you for weeks because of being a dissappointment?  the summer of my senior year was amazing...i had some beautiful pics taken....i will admit back in the day i was beautiful and thin...a bit annoying and loud (still)...i never did understand why...oh never mind...not going to go back into that again..so where was i ...oh yes...my senior year....i was stoked...i had Madrigals (musical group) ...my friends...my youth group.....looking forward to going to college (not that i really had the grades to go)  had a job...dan....what more could a girl want....hahaha i thought i was just eating alot and putting on weight...i mean teenagers do that right?  my mom asked me straight out if i was pregnant.....i was like what?!  no!  it never once crossed my mind that i would be preggo....and yes i know how babies were made just never thought it would happen to me i guess...so she takes me to the dr...where without any tests (blood, urine, ect)  tells my mom that i was about 2 months give or take...now i have made my mom cry before....but i had never heard the tone she used that day...or for the next 2 weeks really....she didnt look at me she didnt talk to me...she wouldnt answer any of my questions or reply when i tried to talk to her...i went to school came home went to work and stayed in my bedroom....my grandparents wouldnt talk to me..it was like i was an alien on another planet and didnt know the language...she finally talked to me again after the 2 weeks went by...guess she needed time to gather her thoughts and emotions...we sorta talked thru some things...gave me a few options in regards to school...(quit and get GED or stay and graduate, maybe)  i chose to quit school so no one could see my downfall and promptly got my GED (not something i really tell people).  plus i saw how the kids treated the pregnant girls in my school...no way was i going thru that as well....went to work full time at mcdonalds...where they were good to me there....just needed to think thru what was going to happen next....of course we had to sit down and talk with dan and his family....if the liked me before...they sure didnt after the news...i had no clue what i was going to do...keep the baby and be a mom or give it up for adoption...i kept thinking and thinking...couldnt stop thinking ...our next step was to tell the youth group...let me tell you THAT was one of the hardest things i ever had to do...i had always considered myself one of the "leaders"...upper crust so to say...well at least if you were new you werent going to sneak by without an introduction from me...and of course a hug...cuz i am a hugger...so anyways...we stood up in front of the youth group and asked for prayer and forgiveness....let me say that i found out who were my real friends that night...out of like 30 people....only 4 stoped by my side to pray...it was like i was the major sinner here and dan was the golden boy who did nothing wrong....really pissed me off...i think that was when i stopped walking with the lord....oh i still went to church...my mother made me so i didnt have a choice...but i did stop being so active and really didnt care anymore

Friday, June 17, 2011

1995...what an amazing summer for me....My mom gave me my first real taste of freedom...:)   she was fostering a boy named Jesse and was trying to adopt this girl named Sarah.  Sarah and I were sharing a room, even had brand new bedroom furniture to go with our brand new family and life.  I got a job that summer working for the Parks and Recreation.  Sometimes I would walk from my house to West Rec...sometimes Dan would take me to work.  I had so much free time and for once my mother wasn't watching what I was doing...and I took FULL advantage of it.  (Bow chicka wow wow)  I mean why not, everyone else was doing it right.  We were in LOVE....Up until this point in my life, I was very sheltered..had no real clue what love was...oh i loved my mom and my friends and family...but what about romantic love?  the thought of a man being a part of my life becuase he wanted to be there...not out of obligation was very intoxicating..growing up not having a 'real' father was rough.  I dont mean rough as in hard for me and my mom...i mean more the emotional void it creates.  There were several men in my mother's life that aimed to be the 'man of the house' but didnt really want to deal with me.  I was a 'cute child' but nothing beyond that.  One man even stuck around long enough to adopt me and give me his name.....then a few short years later told me i wasnt good enough to be his daughter and as far as he was concerned he didnt have a daughter only sons and if only i would try to be more like them....once he beat me with a belt until i black and blue from the middle of my back to my knees and told me i should go back to the orphanage where i belonged cuz no one really wanted me around....blah blah blah...(and i wonder why i have a hard time believing men)   Anyways....the youth group took a trip to chicago...called SEMP....learning how to share our faith with total strangers on the street.  It was fun, probably would have been better had it not been so blasted hot outside. Hottest days on record for chicago at that point.  no air in our rooms cuz we stayed at a local bible college in downtown chicago that was out for the summer...dan was so attentive to my needs and wants....is it any wonder that a few weeks later i would find out the biggest shock of my life

Friday, June 3, 2011

The year was 1995 and I was 16.  Junior at EHS.  Member of the Madrigals, Student Council, Swim Team, Drama, Choir....ect.  But we cant forget youth group at Church of the Open Door.  I was there every Wed night and Sunday morning.   I was an average student, I suppose.  Loved school, hated homework.  Still do to this day.

I met this young man who started coming to our youth group.  His name was Dan and he had his driver's license.  So of course he appealed to my sense of freedom :)  Besides, back then what my mom didnt know wouldnt hurt her (or me).  He lived in Oberlin and we would talk all the time.  I had trust issues back then and needed to be his center of attention at all times.  He was a wrestler and I think he played baseball as well.  I remember that I asked him to be my valentine that year and he hesitated. We started dating....I liked his family....my mom liked him....I was envious that he had a mom and a dad and a younger sister that he said was annoying LOL.  Things were great back then.  I really really was into him.